Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Realistic Goals Made Easy!

Today we are going to talk about goals and how to break them down so they do not seems so monumental to reach.
First of all, there is some record keeping involved. You should have a journal or planner of some type to record what you are doing. In a prior article, I spoke about being realistic. This is where it is really important. If you have only made $100 working on line for two years, and everything is the same, then you would not have a goal of making $50,000 this year. It is just not practical.
There has to be a way to measure your progress, thus the journal. For example, if you make 10 calls today and send out 25 emails and do five ads, how many leads will that generate? Once you have determined that, how many actual prospects can you expect from those leads? Now that you have determined the leads, how many sales can you expect from those leads? It really is as easy as that, but you really need to keep good records. That is my biggest shortcoming so I have to work on it every day.
The best way to set up your goals is to have a certain day of the week to plan your coming week. I use Sunday night and I schedule what I am going to do the following week.
Here is an example of what my schedule might look like for Monday:
Monday: 6:00 AM-7:00 AM Rise, Shower Breakfast and Pray and Inspirational Reading
7:00 AM to 7:30 AM Read emails and reply
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Post Ads (Craigslist, Backpage, 50 ads)
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Go for a 2 mile walk
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Post Ads)
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Reply in Forums (NetDivvy, etc.)
12:00 to 1:00 PM Lunch and reading
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM NetDivvy Webinar
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Phone calls and Forum responses
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Exercise with WII

There should also be a way to measure each day, what you have achieved. How many contacts, how many leads and how many sales, along with other goals such as how much you exercise, number of miles walked, how many bottles of water you drank. Remember you can work on more than one goal at a time. Mine are physical ( I really need to lose 50 lbs) and monetary. (Trip to Hawaii.)
So there you have breaking down your goals. I hope it helps and you can start setting realistic goals and reaching them with proper planning. Getting good training and having a training system like NetDivvy offers will definitely help you reach your goals sooner, so check it out at http://billhobstetter.com. Until the next article here is to your success!

1 comment:

  1. Bill great post. Your schedule example is great. I think I will try to put it in place.

